Take the Berlin Club Survey now!

We spend our nights and weekends in clubs, surrounded by friends and strangers. Our wishes, needs, and experiences there are each quite unique. The Berlin Club Survey hopes to understand why you visit Berlin clubs, how comfortable you feel when going out, and if, in clubs, you have observed or experienced discrimination yourself. By participating, you will help protect club culture and support the development of and the sensibilization for anti-discriminatory structures within club culture.

The questionnaire takes 10-20 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. There are no wrong answers—you can simply answer questions to the best of your knowledge. We thank you warmly for your support, and we welcome your questions, suggestions, or feedback at forschung@clubcommission.de.

If you would like to support us with the survey, we have provided you with text and image material under the following link:


Is the survey anonymous?
The survey is completely anonymous and the answers cannot be traced back to you. With the survey we want to get an overview of experiences in Berlin club culture in its as a whole.

How long can I take to answer the survey?
Before you forget, we recommend that you answer the survey here (link) and now. However, you still have until the end of February

When can I expect the results?
After the end of the survey, we need time to sift through, evaluate and interpret the large amount of data. We hope to be able to share initial findings with you during the spring and have planned a detailed publication and discussion of the results for fall 2022.

What do you plan to do with the results?
We will share our findings with you and the public. On the one hand, it is our goal to explore the individual and societal significance of club culture (in the pandemic). On the other hand, we want to develop a better understanding of in which situations and how often assaultive incidents and discrimination occur in Berlin’s club culture. The goal is to use facts and figures to support the development of and the sensibilization for anti-discriminatory structures within club culture.

How can I spread the survey in my network?
Great idea! We have provided text and image material for you to download under the following link.

I have not experienced discrimination myself. Can I still participate in the study?
Absolutely! The survey is aimed at everyone who goes to Berlin clubs or works there. We would like to hear your opinions on a number of important topics, such as why you go to clubs, what is important to you when you go out, about your ideas for club culture after the pandemic.

I have experienced discrimination and am looking for support. Where can I turn?
We advocate for an open and diverse club culture for all. With our Awareness Akademie, we have created an offer that supports the scene through education and exchange on topics related to awareness, diversity and anti-discrimination in club culture. On the website of the Awareness Akademie, you can find advice and contact points. For example, the anti-discrimination app of the state of Berlin can be a point of contact if you want to report cases of discrimination or get support.
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I have comments on your questionnaire. Who do I contact?
If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, please contact us at: forschung@clubcommission.de.